Directions from Victoria Falls City to Woodlands Community Reserve - Ridge Camp

Take the Main road from Victoria Falls to Bulawayo (A8) heading towards Bulawayo. Drive for 3.8 Km from Cresta Sprayview Hotel to the turn off - at the green sign showing Woodlands Estate 16km, turn right.

Turn right down this road and travel along parallel to the railway line for 14.5 km until you reach a fork. Turn right at the fork.

Right turn off dirt road to Woodlands Community Reserve and Ridge Camp

Continue along this dirt road for 10.4 km from the fork turn off to Ridge Camp. You will pass a sign on your right indicating Ridge Camp 10 km, keep going straight.

Keep straight, past NO 1 Concrete block on your left towards Nyathi Dam. Pass Nyathi Dam sign (on your left).

Keep straight past Nyathi Dam sign (on your left). Keep going and just after you have dropped down through a cement slipway, you will see another concrete block NO 3, on your left hand side, at a crossroads. Continue straight - following the signs to Ridge Camp.

Keep straight and once you’ve climbed a steep hill (on red Kalahari Sand), you will see the Ridge Camp sign on your right.

Arrive at Woodlands Community Reserve Ridge Campsite and Tented Camp. Enjoy your stay and incredible views!